Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?
Yes, dogs can eat pineapple! Many sources say pineapple is safe for dogs, if the theme of small amounts is followed it’s probably fine, but pineapple does have a lot of sugar in it. We are definitely referring to fresh cut pineapple here, not the canned product with additional sweeteners and preservatives. Small chunks of pineapple are not harmful to dogs in terms of digestion. Inside yellow fruit only, no rinds, small treat-size only.
In an article discussing fruits with a lot of sugar, it’s a good time to remind everyone to be cleaning your dog’s teeth on a regular basis. And by regular, we mean daily. Every night our own dog gets a simple manual cleaning with a wet cloth tooth cleaning product simply used to scrub the worst of plaque and debris off of the teeth. Most dogs will do best with their trusted friend (owner) doing such a cleaning. This is something you should definitely start if you are not already doing it.
Your annual or semi-annual visit to the vet is likely only a general health checkup. If you don’t already know, teeth cleaning is typically an additional specific service that most veterinarians provide or sometimes a progressive grooming salon will offer some form of teeth cleaning. It’s usually done by a specialist, not the groomer, so a special appointment is typically required. Depending on the level of cleaning required, sedation might be needed. When sedation is required for dogs who won’t permit a natural cleaning process, your veterinary office is the best place to inquire.
For small dogs especially, sedation is rare as it is a health risk for any dog, but small dogs in particular. You should be able to find a specialist who offers a ‘light’ or non-sedation version of teeth cleaning, but it really depends on your dog and how they deal with strangers putting unusual objects in their mouth!
So, to recap… pineapple, yes it’s totally OK to offer this fruit to your dog. Small bits of such sweet treats only, your dog needs a meat based primary diet.
What Other Fruits or Veggies Can I Feed My Dog?
Read more here about other fruits and vegetables you might be inclined to offer your dog as a treat, and some to avoid!
Disclaimer: As this article refers to health and diet related topics that affect your dog’s well being it should be pointed out that, and the authors here are NOT veterinarians. The information in this article and others on this site is based upon research we have found both online and in print, summarized here for convenience, discussion and a starting point for further reading. Use information found here at your own discretion and risk.